
A county to discover! Historical attractions in Stockholm County

Stockholm County offers many exciting historical attractions. Get out and explore: discover history right where it happened. There are sites here from all periods and all types of landscape – from prehistoric time to the present, and from the big city to idyllic archipelago.

Here we present knowledge and guidance in finding the sites and further information for the curious.

Town: Stockholm and Sigtuna

Archipilago: Vaxholm town and fortress, Sandhamn and Utö

Palaces and Manor: The National City Park, Drottningholm (World Heritage), Tullgarn, Taxinge-Näsby, Svindersvik

Viking Age Sites: Birka and Hovgården (World Heritage), Rune Kingdom - around the Vallentuna lake

Industrial Sites: Vira bruk, Tumba papermill, Gustavsberg porcelain factory, Pythagoras Industrial Museum

Cemetery: Skogskyrkogården (World Heritage)

LX2006-1031 Sigtuna, minsta rådhuset.